Saturday, October 16, 2010

Practise doesn't make perfect.

We often hear that "practise makes perfect". Well, I don't think so. Look at your handwriting. You've had a lot of practise, right? Is it better than it was 10 years ago?
Another example is your driving skills. Be really honest: are you a better driver now than you were 10 years ago? If so, you have probably been training.

If you want to get better at something, sure you have to do it a lot, but it isn't enough. Only if you train will you get better. My definition of training is that you have consciousness about what you are doing and you get feedback. Then you'll actually improve your skills.

Here's a couple of ways you can raise your consciousness about what you are training:
  • Get support. Involve some people you trust in your plan to improve and ask them to give you straight feedback.
  • Make the videocamera your coach. The camera doesn't lie. I know it's awkward in the beginning to video yourself - and your voice sounds funny ;-) - but if you are serious about improving it's very effective.
  • Take notes. Journal. Reflect. Think through what worked and what didn't work - let go of what didn't work and do more of what worked.
So let's say you want to get better at giving clear, consise and compelling messages. After each time you deliver a message ask some of the receivers:
- What did you like about it? How can I improve?
Don't settle for "Yes, Frode, it was OK and I liked it" Ask them to be as specific as possible.

Train, don't practise.

So OK: what did you like about this blog entry? How can i improve?


  1. I can hear your voice and feel inspired to be more conscious today.

    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

    What I like is seeing the first step, your very first entry. Bravo!

  2. You got the me smiling, Congratulation for getting to the first corner stone of your GOAL.
    The blog reminded me of my commitment to acheave my goals, as well as getting a crisp and concise coaching advise..

    Thanks Frode, looking forward to read your next input on the blog, more want's more

  3. Frode, thanks for that great distinction between training and practice! Compelling and pragmatic!
