Thursday, November 4, 2010

Two Beasts

Here is one thing I know about you (and about me and everybody else):
You have to beasts living inside your chest.
Every time you think about yourself or talk about yourself one of these beasts gets fed. Every belief you have about yourself will feed one of these beasts.

One of the beasts is called Negi. It is fed by thoughts like: “I can’t do that”, “I must do this”, “What will the neighbours say?”, “Who do I think I am”, “I am weak or afraid or small”, “I have to do what I am told to do”, “I don’t dare”.

Look at it. What is the colour of your Negi?

One of the beasts is called Posi. It is fed by thoughts like: “I want to”, “I am good enough”, “I am strong”, “I am good at (you fill in the list)”, “I CAN”.

Look at it. What is the colour of your Posi?

Every time you have a thought about yourself, one of the beasts gets fed, and every time it gets fed it grows stronger.

Now you know and you do not have a choice any more. Every time you think ANY thought about yourself, Negi or Posi will be fed. Just try:

Say out loud ONE thing that you know is true about yourself.

Did you notice? Which beast got fed? Did you hesitate about saying something out loud? Which beast got fed by the hesitation? Keep talking. Really, keep talking about yourself. Say something that you know is true about yourself. Notice which beast gets fed.

You DO have a choice about which beast you feed.

Maybe you have fed Negi a lot lately and it is strong and powerful and wants to be fed all the time. Start feeding Posi instead. It will not be easy in the beginning, as Negi puts up the snout and WANTS to get fed. It is POSSIBLE to start practising talking to Posi instead. Now you know and now you have a choice.

Maybe you have fed Posi a lot lately and it is strong and powerful. Keep going. Notice when Negi wants to get fed and feed Posi instead.

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